Biological Control Agents

Beneficial organisms combined with careful scouting, account for more than 80% of Jolly Farmer’s pest management program. Here’s a list of some of the critters we use to keep your plants healthy. If you happen to see some of these on your plants, don’t worry. These creatures are here to help!


We use Neoseiulus californicus for the biological pest control of spider mites and broad mites.
The mite 0.04 mm long is pinkish red to pale white color with six legs. Males are smaller than females. The larvae are translucent. Females lay 2-4 eggs a day. Eggs take 1.5-4 days to hatch depending on temperatures. Adult predatory mites, nymphs and larvae actively search for their prey and consume them.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with insects that look like this. These insects are safe and can be left on your plants.
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Aphidius colemani, from the wasp family, helps us with the biological pest control of aphids.
Adult female parasitic wasps lay their eggs parasitically in the aphids, causing them to swell and harden into leathery, grey/brown mummies. The first adult parasitic wasps emerge through a round hole at the rear of the mummy approximately 2 weeks after introduction.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with insects that look like this. These insects are safe and can be left on your plants.
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We use Neoseiulus cucumeris to help with the control of thrips, spider mites, and broad mites.
The mite has a pear-shaped translucent pinkish or tan-coloured body (depending on what it has most recently been feeding on) and grows to a length of between 0.5 and 1 mm (0.02 and 0.04 in). Adult predatory mites actively search for and feed on their prey.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with a sachet that looks like this. These biologicals are safe and
can be left on your plants.
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We use Eretmocerus eremicus for the biological pest control of whiteflies in larval stage 2 and 3.
Adult female parasitic wasps parasitize the second and third larval stage of the whitefly. Additionally, host feeding also occurs.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with a strip that looks like this. These biologicals are safe and
can be left on your plants.
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We use Steinernema feltiae for the biological pest control of shore fly larvae and thrip pupae.
After application, the nematodes actively search for their prey and penetrate them. The nematodes feed on the contents of the prey, excreting specific bacteria from their digestive tracts as they do so. These bacteria convert host tissue into products that the nematodes can easily ingest. The larvae die within a few days.
What to expect
These biologicals are very small and are hard to see without magnification. They are more likely to be found in the soil.
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We use Encarsia formosa for the biological pest control of whiteflies​ in larval stage 3 and 4.
Female adult parasitic wasps parasitize the third and fourth larval stage of the whitefly. Additionally, host feeding also occurs.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with a strip that looks like this. These biologicals are safe and
can be left on your plants.
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We use Phytoseiulus persimilis for the biological pest control of spider mites.
Phytoseiulus persimilis feeds on all stages of spider mites, but has a preference for eggs. The predatory mites pierce the eggs and consume the contents. Adult Phytoseiulus persimilis also attack adult spider mites but the smaller development stages only feed on smaller prey stages.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with insects that look like this. These insects are safe and can be left on your plants.
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We use Stratiolaelaps scimitus for the biological pest control of egg, larvae, and pupae of fungus gnats.
Adults and nymphs feed on larvae of sciarid flies and other soil based insects. The mites appear in and on the soil and at the base of plant stems. Stratiolaelaps scimitus rarely transfers on to the plant itself. The reduction of the infestation level occurs at a slow but steady rate.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with insects that look like this. These insects are safe and can be left on your plants.
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We use Amblyseius swirskii for the biological pest control of both thrips and whiteflies.
Adult predatory mites search for their prey or wait for it to pass by and subsequently feed on their prey.
What to expect
Some of your plants may arrive with insects that look like this. These insects are safe and can be left on your plants.
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