Culture Tips

Here’s a selection of cultural related articles.


Culture Tips

From the Grower Catalog
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Jerry Gorchels is on our team to help you with cultural advice. With 51 years in the industry and lots of hands-on experience, Jerry adds another level to our service. If you would like to speak with him about any purchase from us, give your rep a call.

General Culture
Cultural Check List"Success starts before your plants arrive. I hope these check lists will get you off to a good start! I'm at your service if you need any assistance." Jerry Gorchels (Cultural Consultant)
Impatiens Downy Mildew
Impatiens Downy Mildew: Guidelines for GrowersCourtesy of Ball "Impatiens downy mildew is a destructive foliar disease of Impatiens walleriana that is capable of causing complete defoliation or plant collapse, especially in landscape plantings under moist conditions and cool nights." Example of an Impatiens Downy Mildew Fungicide Rotation
GrowerTalks Addresses Impatiens Downy Mildew"Ball and Syngenta, two of the industry's largest breeder/producers, have teamed up to pool their knowledge and expertise to help growers understand and fight a new foe: impatiens downy mildew (Plasmopara obducens), a disease caused by a fungus-like organism that is attacking one of our most vital spring bedding plants, Impatiens walleriana." Copyright Ball Publishing January 2012
Control of Impatiens Downy Mildew in a LandscapeBy Marge Daughtrey LIHREC Cornell University
Information courtesy of CHASE NEWS
Downy Mildew Is Forcing Growers and Gardeners to Change
"More and more questions are pouring in from growers, landscapers and retail garden center operators asking for a plant pathologist's crystal ball prognostication relative to impatiens downy mildew..."

Longterm Control in a Landscape
"Dr. Aaron Palmateer (TREC - Homestead, University of Florida) performed a very important trial last winter in south Florida..."
Copyright CHASE NEWS Sept 2012
Cool Wave Spreading Pansy CulturePan American Seed: Viola x wittrockiana. "Transplant the plugs on time to avoid flower bud initiation in the plug stage. Plugs that are initiated and transplanted on time will fill out the finish container..."
Mum Culture
Cultural Tips for Mum & Aster LinersBy Bernard Chodyla and Ron Adams. Transplant rooted cuttings as soon as possible after arrival. Any delay in planting or excessive drying will restrict vegetative growth after transplanting and may cause premature budding.
Mum BulletinAn article developed by Bernard Chodyla, the Belgian Mums Technical Advisor.
Problems Addressed:
Premature budding on very early and early varieties.
Yellowing and discoloration of the entire plant, nutrient deficiencies.
Root and foliar diseases.
Insufficient growth, plants too small for the pot size at this stage of the crop.
Premature Budding on Garden MumsBy Bernard Chodyla: "Premature budding or early flowering of garden mums could be a major headache for many growers. Last season, I received numerous phone calls and e-mails in regards to plants finishing short or flowering too early. Both are result of prema- ture budding that occurs when plants initiate flower buds prematurely due to stressful weather and growing conditions before reaching reproductive stage."
Pest Management for Retail Greenhouses and Garden CentersSuccessful pest management is more challenging for retailers compared to producers for a number of reasons. Retail operations are open 7 days a week to the public, making it difficult to apply pesticide treatments. Plants in bloom or with tender growth are more susceptible to spray injury. Plants may be displayed with hard goods, making it necessary to move those plants outside or into a production area before spraying.