I’ve been selling plugs and cuttings at Jolly Farmer for almost 30 years and am continually amazed at the progress that’s been made – as an industry and as a company.  Plugs was new technology back then.  We used to seed by hand into open flats, tearing the seedlings apart when they were big enough to transplant.  The invention of automatic seeding machines, transplanters, seed enhancement, reliable germination, and computer technology completely changed the way young plants could be grown and sold.  Working with Daniel, Joy and others, we built our plug and cutting customer base from scratch.  I traveled countless miles visiting growers all over North America, and gradually we gained market share.  Some of the customers I visited that first year are still with us.  It’s humbling to realize how far we’ve come and how many customers, vendors, and co-workers have helped us along the way.  Today, our team of seventeen terrific sales reps service more than 3,500 growers and retail garden centers across the USA and Canada.  30 years ago, I couldn’t even imagine the selection of plug and cutting varieties, tray sizes and grower solutions we offer….where will the next 30 years take us?

Next time we’ll explore custom packaging.

All the best!